Tuesday 31 July 2012

Wardipedia has arrived!!

·         Wardipedia (www.wardipedia.org)  is a project of Star Wards..... which is the one and only project of the social justice charity Bright. Star Wards provides practical ideas and inspiring examples from and for mental health ward staff. About 600 wards are members and enjoying introducing small changes which make a massive difference to patients.
·           There are over 1,000 examples of imaginative approaches by wards eg:
*             ‘Virtual pets corner ‘ i.e. developing a pet photo display of patients’ and staffs’ pets and wards sponsoring an animal e.g. a retired donkey or a guide dog 
*             At the weekly Prepare and Share cooking group, the modern matron not only makes the coffee and washes up, but also does decorative serviette folding. The group is led by a ward manager who is a trained chef – including the skill of decorative pineapple carving!
*             Football leagues, visits, stadium tours etc. The tour was to promote interest in local sport, active lifestyles and the importance of physical fitness.
*             Podcast and music studio
*             Remote control car races, and spacehopper races. Spontaneous paper plate Frisbee games.
*             Repositioning a bed to give better view of outside
*             Self-harm project run by a specialist nurse, including a camouflage clinic, support group, staff and training.
*             The Catering Department have ‘Just for You’ where the patients are invited to design a meal themselves and the catering department will cook it for them.
*             A  four week poetry workshop (also for community clients) in conjunction with Radio Stoke.
·         Wardipedia includes 77 ideas for enhancing inpatients’ experiences, with 11 in each of seven domains, structured around the concept of IMAGINE:
Imagination – what’s it like for the patient?
Mindfulness – chilling out
Activities – social, recreational, physical
Generosity - sharing, kindness, giving
Involvement –influence, information, independence
Neighbours – friends, family, fellow patients
Empathy – for self and others

For example:
7.        Mentalising
17.      Music
24.      Wii
33.      Men’s stuff
35.     Bring yourself to work day
44.     Gay patients
45.     Patient involvement
47.     Minority languages
53.     Bank staff
55.     Brain
59.     Social media
70.     Comfort objects

Thursday 19 July 2012

What would you say?

To a new resource of over 1,000 items that can energise the day for people receiving in patient care?
Wait a few more days and I will direct you to a fabulous , cost effective veritable treasury of things to do. Tried and tested means of making in patient care more stimulating for all concerned
What will you say?