Friday 27 January 2012

Five a day for mental health

Five a day seems a lot when we talk about vegtables and fruit, indeed if you are out and about like me (or indeed a CPN colleague) how can you carry it all. Some say crisps count but I am not to sure. Yet the principle of five a day is possibly equally applicable to our mental health. So what would they be for you? Indeed have you thought of that at all? How do you enhance your sense of well being and increase your resiliance(or even maintain it).
Well for me this is an interesting challenge. I guess my blog gives a clue. so here goes.
1 doing a day in work that feels worthwhile
2 getting outside at some point in the day and stopping and enjoying the fresh air (it can even be done in London)
3 completing a task or role well
4 enjoying time with others (preferably that involves laughing)
5 spending some time on my own (but not to much)
What about you?

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