Wednesday 18 January 2012

Intentional rounding in mental health settings?

Well you know how it is, you admit to something and it dates you. I guess things like the advent of colour TV, the recollection of steam trains (engines to be more precise) and oh yes Supercar. But nothing has made me feel more old than the notion of rounds. I remeber the tyranny of back rounds, obs rounds, comfort rounds, tidy rounds. Oh yes and then being told they were "task oriented" and then we had to pretend we weren't doing them any more. That was because we had become "patient centred".Now however thanks to the insights of the Prime Minister we are to be engaged in them once again. Now I can see the virtue of regular patient contact, and I can also see how they will be welcomed by patients who really do want to have "nurse time". I just am trying really hard to imagine what they would look like in a mental health setting.
Now we do know that if we take "anytown" acute psychitric admission ward, there will be patients who say that they do not see enough of the nurses.We know that they will be frustrated occasionally by what they see as a lack of interest. We also know that there are wards that have engaged in the process of rigorous 1:1 sessions, all duly documented and scrutinised by clinical supervision. Yet will that meet the "intentional rounding" that the PM has? Or is that limited to where the machines go "beep" and the nurses all wear uniforms?

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